Wednesday, March 25, 2009





Monday, March 23, 2009

The true beauty

Hong Kong is stepping into a humid warm spring. I want to run into the country side, to breathe the moist air, to hear the birds singing, to embrace the true beauty. I

I imagine myself sitting under a big tree, reading an interesting book, and then take a nap with my babies.

Friday, March 20, 2009


看這些是我的皮膚及頭髮合作伙伴,有了它們,我的皮膚才算還可以°我愛用的牌子包括Clarins, PATYKA(有機成份製成), Kiehl's.


Thursday, March 19, 2009


上星期經過Catalogue,見到店內這對公雞鞋,原本想買Ballerina flat 的我變了主意 ,乖乖的付錢買了它°它真的很可愛啊!


Just discovered my waist has reached 26", it is totally unacceptable. I will escalate the exercise plan, starting from tomorrow.

My plan is, going back to 24" in 4 weeks. This is Jeff's fault, he said I was getting skinner after the food poisoning + cold in Jan to early Feb, he then stored up my favourite snacks and I had a little bit before sleep, almost every night.

Set my plan and stick with it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is what we call RESPECT

I was planning to talk about my favorite stuff right after the previous entry, but base on what I read today, I think my “little closet” passage has to give way first.

I find people used to tease or even insult those who do not match the “secular” beauty standard. When people use others’ outlook and body as a joke, can they think about that person has done nothing wrong? Being less attractive is not a sin!!
When I browsed the facebook last evening, I found one girl in my friend list (actually I do not barely know her) left a comment to a photo of her friend, there were a bride, groom, and bride maids, in a wedding banquet.

Her comment is “I haven’t seen such scene; I think the bride had no confidence at all”. Then when I looked at the photo, I understood what she said. Those bride maids in the photos were not typical beauties, two were in big size. There were also many other comments from her friends. The photo was post by a visitor of the wedding.

For those comments were even more disrespectful, they joked this was an “extraordinary view”, “horrific”, etc. I don’t know the bride and groom, but I felt angry at that moment. The bride and groom invited visitors to share the most unforgettable and happiest moment with the closest relatives and friends, they deserve to receive blessing, instead of insult!!

And to my dear friend in the facebook, I feel sorry we graduated from the same secondary school.

This is a matter of respect!!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Little things in daily life

Don’t know why, my ideas about blogging seem drying out. I guess it is because I feel happy with my life, and have much less grumbling and babbling I want to force my reader to listen to, or I think it is not worth to waste time to repeat something I am irritated to in written format.

On top of this, every day after work, I spent all of my time with my two adorable angels (or I should say when I go online, they are happy to join me and even take lead of what they would like to watch in the internet, which leave me only a few minutes to stay in front of the computer alone to check facebook or email).

However, I think it would be a good idea if I can share some little interesting things I find/ I experience in my diary life here on and off. I would post photos of something which I think interesting and post here.

I do something similar in facebook, currently I created an album called “My little closet”. It would be great to set up a “My little closet” here with detailed narrations. Hope you will love it too!

Let’s start from the next entry!!