Tuesday, November 29, 2005






咸「楊」 -楊老師跟「熱情」扯不上關係,他幸得這名是因為每堂中史課,不論教授唐宋元明或清,他一踏進課室,也二話不說,先在黑板上勾畫出中國外形,再點上咸陽城的位置。

細龜 -我想二十歲以上的讀者,應對九十年代初無線電視紅極一時的細龜黄一山有深刻印象。沒錯,這位老師跟黄一山有幾分相似,雖然只是幾分...女校就是如此殘酷。

雞Li/雞仔Lam -跟她們的聲線有關

啤機/啤精 -該「揻匙」只教了一年,到我校執教應是她第一份工,她很好人很用心,但眼神卻異常凌厲。由於初來的三個月不太能駕馭classroom management,我們課堂談話時她常常瞪大那雙鏡片背後的眼睛而得名。

Centre Wong/Headphone Wong -是一位geography老師。每當她講起"Equator(赤道) is the central line of Earth",我們就不其然看著她那中間分界頭。而Headphone是出於她再將兩旁及耳的曲髮用頂夾貼近耳上位置夾好,形成至臻完美的Headphone形髮型而得名。


Sunday, November 27, 2005

Lines and dots

I do get tired to shopping. After I left school, it seems that I don't really know how to entertain myself. Reading and writing is one of my hobbies, but both need concentration, and I prefer to do these before bed or during the commuting.

Since last month, when Jeff and I picked up drawing again (We are learning pencil drawing), I remember I love drawing so much when I was a small girl. Mom told me that I drew on wall once (and that was also the last time), I drew a lot of little chickens in a queue. My parent taught me it was not correct to draw on wall, and they bought me a note pad and a 'magic drawing board', then I started to draw appropriately.

I feel very joyful when drawing, it is so satisfactory if you construct the picture bit by bit and add strokes and line and eventually create you own materpiece!!

And pencil drawing is the basic step of all types of painting, I hope I could polish my skill and trying others later.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Pencil Drawings

Jeffrey and I are learning pencil drawing. These are the pieces we finished today. Which one do you think is better? The upper one or the bottom one?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

See what I have made tonight!!

Pic 1 A cake exclusive for my Blythes
Pic 2 A birthday cake for Jeff
Pic3 A snowman

I made these by lightweight clay. Aren't they lovely??

Saturday, November 19, 2005


我想是我年紀大了,不喜歡「蒲夜」,在happy friday的晚上早早睡覺,然後悠然享受週六的清晨。





Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A breakthrough

This is a time for a breakthrough, hope you like this template and the new setting of Manki's secret diary.

And, if you look at over your right hand side, there is a connect link 'Manki's Matrix'. This blog is about another part of my life, you will know what I mean if you have a look of it. Hope you enjoy!

Again, please always feel free to provide me any comment to improve my online diaries, I look forward to meet you here!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Do Re Mi

Lucky me I got 2 complimentary tickets of 'The Sound Of Music' musical performance last Thursday. The show was amazing, but I love the original Robert Wise's movie more. Sometimes, the older the much better.

Which songs in 'The Sound Of Music' you like most? For me, 'Sixteen Going On Seventeen' is really lovely. Liesl in the movie is like an English rose, she is delicate and sweet. When I was sixteen, I was not sweet at all. I was so muscular and well-built at that time. It was because I swam at least three times a week, I was tan and strong, I looked like a tree instead of a flower. God blessed that I could return to original size after I quitted the practice.

And, surely, 'Do-re-mi' by Maria and children is my another favourite song, I sing the song with Lok Lok B all the time.

I also love all other songs, such as 'Edelweiss' and 'Something good'. And you?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Yellow Stone Pier

Haven’t barbequed for quite a long time, but in the last two consecutive weekends, I BBQ-ed with my in-law family and my colleagues.

Surely, the BBQ with my colleagues in my same age range was much funnier and interesting. We had a wonderful Saturday in Yellow Stone Pier, Sai Kung. The weather was extremely beautiful and also the scenic sea view. Comforting sea breeze and tasty food did not only attract all of us but also some cows and oxen. They invaded our area and swallowed some of our sweet potatoes and grilled food. One aggressive ox even ate the whole glass of honey!!! When it pushed the glass of honey to the ground and licked up whatever on the soil, I screamed loudly, it just did all these things two feet in front of me. It should be extremely hungry. Around 7:00pm we left the site, and then all those ‘grass eaters’ dragged out our rubbish bag from the bin and started their big ‘harvest’….

That night, I returned to my in-law home to have a dinner. When I saw how they humbly ‘served’ the baby for a dinner in such a ‘royal’ and ‘prestigious’ way, and how the baby refused to eat, I told myself that it was just another vivid example to demonstrate this world was extremely unfair.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Office as a freezer

I am now in my office, shivering like a rabbit. It is not because of any predator nearby; instead, the office temperature is very low and makes me trembling a lot.

An English tour-guide book of Hong Kong mentions that HK indoor temperature is much low than the outdoor temperature! It suggests tourists to bring a coat or a jacket if they go for any indoor activities, e.g. shopping, dining. Although we are in the subtropical zone, our indoor temperature is always similar to the Arctic Circle (I admit I exaggerate a bit).

It explains why I need to drink 5-6 cups of hot water in office a day, because I should get the heat from hot water.

Why we should set the temperature that low? Several years ago, we had two Norwegian classmates; they love Hong Kong a lot except the temperature, and also air conditioners in classrooms. They couldn’t stand the chilly and wet ambience in air conditioned places in Hong Kong. These two Scandinavian told me that although Norway was much colder than Hong Kong, they will not feel as hard as in Hong Kong indoor area, air conditioners here made them sick.

My administrative department revealed our comment to the property agent, but the feedback was unsatisfactory. The staff explained that if they adjusted the air con temperature, several floors above and below us will also be affected. Since no one from other floors also complaint about this, it was ‘inappropriate’ to adjust it simply based on our feeling… Fine, it is absolutely fine!

I think we may set a project to investigate how people in every floor think about the ‘micro-climate’ of our building; I am going to draft a questionnaire.