Thursday, September 29, 2005


尤記得漫遊柬埔寨吳哥窟時看到一樣讓我很興奮的東西 - 菩提樹。我立即想到一首很"型"的詩辭:



Thailand & Cambodia Trip

This was an amazing trip. Finally I had been Cambodia, a country that I had never thought about for leisure travel.

Thailand becomes a shopping paradise, people are friendly, it is quite a nice place to spend a weekend for spa, dining and consuming.

We visited Angkor Wat, Cambodia for two days. Temples, heritages and construction sites of hotels are everywhere. You can enjoy the marvelous scenic views in the city, but also witness the poverty of this place. Every time we arrived the tourist spot, there were a bunch of little kids, the youngest one might just be 4 years old, selling souvenirs to tourists. Sometimes they would wander around the entrance of our shuttle bus and asking us to buy. I could not imagine what they thought at that moment, by experienceing a stroke of cool wind from the air cond of the bus, what would they think about the outside world?

Afterall, I should say thanks to my company for this incentive tour. I enjoyed the trip a lot.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Happy Mid Autumn Festival

Hope everyone has a 'round and bright' Mid Autumn Festival today!! Although the weather is not stable tonight, we could see the large bright moon sometimes, people whistled and cheered when the lunar light sneaked out from the heavy clouds.

In this weekend, I practiced yoga twice, I started to feel that yoga can bring me tranquility. This morning, the instructor taught us yoga isn't just an exercise, it is a practice helping us to clean our mind. When you practice yoga, you should sweep away all the thoughts and concentrate on every posture, to listen carefully of every part of your body, and to feel your inner self. After the practice, I felt so peace and joyful.

That's great that we have one more holiday tommorrow. Enjoy!!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Disneyland Hong Kong

The grand opening of Disneyland Hong Kong was on Sep 12, 2005. This is one of the most controversial 'developments' in Hong Kong in last decade.
Personally, I do not have the great enthusiasm towards this so-called dreamland. In 1999, when Walt Disney signed the agreement with Hong Kong government to build the fifth Disneyland in our territory, I wrote an essay called – ‘When Mickey and Minnie decided to migrate to Hong Kong – The environmental pollution problems caused by the construction of Disneyland’ for my Environmental Protection course of the Geography degree.
I did attach the negative feeling to Walt Disney since I worked on that essay (should be before, otherwise I would not pick a topic like this). After I flipped through a lot of related documents, I understood how the tremendous change of Penny Bay was. I also know well about the 'high efficiency' of those environmental evaluation which was implemented by the government to protect this orginally quite lovely seashore - they concluded that there were no severe destruction of the environment by the development. Not to mention I thoroughly understand how unfair the ‘treaty’signed between the government and the corporation was, and how helpless and ignorant of the public.
No offense but I don’t think geography or social science students are friendly in some ways.
For all those ungratefuk news about this dreamland in the recent weeks, for me it is expected, but just a bit too late to start the discussion.
When there are countless of kids over the world facing famine, war, plague and illiteracy, please do not advocate all those fake and coarse fantasy, and construct the so-called paradise by tones of money from rich parents and brainwash our offspring.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Curse is leaving

I believe the curse which bothered me in past 2 weeks is leaving. In last 14 days, unrecovered ill, endless works, countless (actually it is able to count) O.T. night, jobs with no indication or guidance from the senior, etc. everything seemed pissing me off.

Thanks god that I could sleep from morning to night in last weekend and I could have 'normal' working hours in these 2 days. In addition to my mommy's amazing Chinese medicine - honey with 'chuen pui', my horrible cough is almost recovered. Mommy is just like a powerful magician or practitioner, she would clean up everything or help you to find out anything or heal those minor ills by a flip of her magic wand.

The coming weekend is Mid Autumn Festival, the most romantic Chinese festival. In that day, Mommy used to prepare decoration, fruit, moon cakes and tea each year, and we had a family dinner that night. I love icy mooncakes most, which is made of green bean paste and much lighter than the traditional mooncakes. However, they are still high sugar content. It just reminds me that several years ago there was a splendid 'seven stars surround the moon' icy mooncake set in office. My colleague did not preferred the icy mooncake much and just eat a little bit. Then I had finished almost 90% of the whole set and surely I gained some pounds.

So what will you do that night? And whom will you want to stay with?

Monday, September 05, 2005




劇一 瘋狂工作系列之搞我笑

劇二 瘋狂工作系列之人都癲

劇三 瘋狂工作系列之永別

Saturday, September 03, 2005






28歲,如果你問我問世間情為何物,我會同你講「我幫你做個research吖!分開兩部份,有 ‘Qual’同有 ‘Quan’。 ‘Qual’嗰部分我建議做個Focus group,揾8個人嚟傾計,4男4女,咁先有group dynamic嘛。跟住呢就喺focus group喥揾到嘅attributes,放喺 ‘Quan’部份嘅30分鐘問卷喥,我哋會Random sampling 咁做300隻samples,試吓quantify啲finding….聽日我俾個Quotation同proposal你呀吓!」


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sore Throat & OT

I just wonder how weak I am, I had to report sick half day of today. Actually I deluded myself that I was fine for about two weeks, but Samantha kept telling me I looked bloating and exhausted in these few days, and I admit to myself that it was time to visit dear doctor again.

These two nights I had worked OT, and I bought some work to home and would work on it after I finish this piece of diary. Jesus, it feels like I am in the semester end and rush to finish the final year project, no matter how suck or how sick you are, you have to get the job done and shut up.

Actually the deadline of this project is next Tue, but I urged to do some template and let Ting Ting, our director to reveal my report first. Ting Ting is a 'famous' hands-off/auto-pilot advocator, that means he doesn't know or care whatever you have done until the very last minute. This is why I had to spend some time on the preparation first, to avoid that he rejects all of charts on 11:00pm of next Monday.

I look forward the 2 coming leisure trips in the late September.