Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year Eve

As one of the members of this global village, I was distressed by the tsunami catastrophe in Southern Asia on last boxing day. The giant tidal wave swept across many coastal area and killed more than 100 thousands of people. Human being are just fragile and being alive is already a miracle.

I wish this devastating tradgy could be a force of solidality and bond everyone's heart, rapport could be built among nations and each of us take a little effort to relieve the poor situation.

No one can be singled out in this disaster. Please make a donation to any charity organizations.

In the new year, I wish everybody in this planet could be peaceful and joyful.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Grown-ups are weird

Last Friday my boss gave everyone a desktop Jelly Belly dispenser machine toy, with real Jelly beans contained.

Generally speaking, Jelly beans taste disgusting. Yesterday, I had one which tastes like red pepper, another tastes like peanut butter…yuck. It reminds me a famous quote from Forrest Gump - ‘life is like a box of chocolate…’

You may not imagine that a brown jelly bean will taste like peanut butter instead of chocolate, but once you realize it, you will be more careful next time when choosing the candies.

It is just like how we are choosing friends and even intimated partner(s). When you are young, we have guts to take adventures, you could still stand a flamy red color jelly bean which tastes spicy instead of strawberry sweet, but when you keep growing up, your expectation will be higher, you will no longer accept something awful and strive to improve the situation, then you will give up jelly belly and then embrace See's candy.

So far I still stand the jelly beans because they could still give me surprise; I just took one pink color with bubble gum taste.

Last night I saw ‘Taken’ in Pearl, that little girl Ellie with 1/4 blood from Alien said, ‘Grown-ups are weird.’

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Jingle Bell

5 days to Christmas, we plan to see 'Kung Fu Hustle' in the Christmas Eve, and Christmas bowling on boxing day. Just can't wait!!

Last Friday, we had a Christmas party in office, we played a gift exchange game: we picked a name from a box first, then everyone should be a secret angel and bought a gift for the person with the name we got.

Then I bought a 365 days bikini hot babe calendar for Ah Wai, he is a lucky guy, he could get such suitable gift, 365 girls surround him and comfort him every OT night, they are surely fantastic OT booster!! I am sure I improve his effectiveness and increase his chance of promotion indirectly. However, Wai told me that he doesn't like 'Gwai Po'(Caucasian women), he wondered if there is a Japanese version available...

What I got is a set of MUJI skin and hair care products from May, very nice.

Today I had dinner with my parental family, Meiki gave me a gift, it is a new tiny Blythe!!! It is a ducky Blythe - she wears a yellow ducky suit and with pinky bob hair. I bought Meiki a 'Ah Mei' puppet. My cousin Agnes teased that no one could guess these two gifts are for a pair of sister in their twenties...

Now I am listening to the sound track of 'Love Actually', comforting myself in this seasonal greeting, so sweet...

Wait, I should help my daddy to post an ad here: My daddy, Charles, is going to launch his own incredible website!!!! I will surely keep you informed when it is on air!! You could not afford to miss!!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

How come somebody invented waterproof MP3 player? On its package, there is a man playing with a lady in the swimming pool, and with that player hanging on his ears.

Are we really that lonely, could we just spend several minutes to say alone with our ownself, stay speechlessly, motionlessly, with no radio or music player, allow ourselves to keep closer with the earth, to listen to the nature??

What is the point to listen to MP3 when you are swimming 50M breathstroke across the pool? Do we really have 'silence-phobia'? It is totally ridiculous...

Everyday we are being bombarded by numbers of information, visual display and sound/noise, we gradually lose our intuition, we are greatly influence by our outer world. However, we need to provide ourselves time to listen to our inner voice, to confess our sin, to accept our weakness, to be proud of our pride, do not let the man-made environment to tease ourselves into pieces.

Human being highly depend on technology, our arrogance assumes that human could manipulate the nature. We drain every drop of energy, we deforest our lovely greenland, we caused the extinction of animals, we mess up the global climate, developed countries deprives the 'third world' natural resources and legitimizing its as 'achieveing the global economic development'. Somebody believe that our stupid mind could create some technology that can regenerate the natural livelihood before the industrial revolution one day, or just plainly abandoned the Earth and migrate to other planet.

I suspect if doomsday will exist one day, human stupidity is a crucial factor.

Monday, December 13, 2004

A nice and fruitful weekend.

Jeff and I supposed to accompany his mother to visit grandma in Guangzhou, but LokLok had to see doctor and we cancelled the trip. Recently my health condition was not good and my body delivered an alarm signal - I was almost faint in office, then I seized the chance to have a body check on Saturday. Thanks God the checking reflected that my body functioned very well so far.

Then Jeff brought me to Mr. Cheung, a Chinese medical practitioner his family knew for a long time. After about a minute of 'pulse checking', he said my body was imbalance, that explained why I had low blood pressure and other minor illness. Mr. Cheung advised me to take care of my body, not working too hard and being too pressurized. He thoughtfully told me that Hong Kong people work too hard for money, but they paid their health for the wealth in youth and used the wealth to exchange medicine and healing when they were old. Dedication is good, but sacrificing health and family for career success is not worth.

Seems that I had just attended an Philiosophy class, the topic was 'What is the meaning of life.'

Remember that 'Achieveing a balance of life' was a hit topic among the young executives in our company training, but when somebody raised this topic for discussion, someone in top management discouraged it, it really pissed me off.

At the same day, I popped into Anson Chan in PP, wow she is my role model, she looked so gorgeous and smart, she is a symbol of strong woman in this city.

At the same day, I found that The Princess Diary got the Volume 6 'The Princess Diary - sixsational'. I got the previous five, wondered that it would go so far to the sixth volume. I bought it without a second thought.

At the same day I had a lovely dinner with my dad, mom, Meiki and Jeff, dad was so glad because we ordered him the favourite lamb chop, and he could drink two cans of beer.

Today I went Yum Cha with my swimming friends, we had Christmas gift exchange, I got a bottle of Anna Sui Dolly Girl eau de toilette. =), nice scent!

Today Jeff sent me a little gift, it was a marble bracelet, with baby blue and baby pink beads, he said it could bring me good health. He is very very very sweet.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Drop Dead Gorgeous

Sam and I talked about BJ's Diary II today. We found this movie is like a fairy tale. Bridget Jones isn't pretty but she had an almost perfect boyfriend Mark Darcy, he is so tender and sophisticated, he rescures her anytime when she is in trouble. In reality, we are skeptial if it will happen because most men are 'driven' by physical appearance of opposite sex.

When I studied in University, my drama friend, Jose Yeung showed me his formula of choosing girlfriend, please see the formula as below:

Girl friend Acceptance Index (GFA Index) = (Physical appearance)*0.6+(Personality)*0.4
If the index is above 0.5, then he will accept that girl.

Obviously, the external beauty weights higher than internal substance. It sounds ridiculous but perfectly makes sense.

Is it horrible that people quantify and simplify the world and classify others by index?? Right, this is now what on earth I am doing everyday in my job.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

昨天走到街上,繽紛的聖誕裝飾及輕快悠揚的冬日音樂浸潤了空氣,氣氛真的有點普世歡騰,在這個像整容過度女人般的維港兩岸灑上Body Shimmer。不過得老實點說,香港的12月漂亮得太過紫醉金迷,滲出濃濃的錢幣金屬味,全民也投入瘋狂的購物熱潮。畢竟聖誕節是天主教及基督教的節日,為了慶祝彌塞亞耶穌之誕生;現在我們在這麼神聖的日子舉行了市民熱衷的運動月--- Christmas shopping,真是滑稽。當然,這運動比賽在歐美也進入了白熱化階段。

這兩天過得很愜意。我看過了BJ's Diary II- The Edge of Reason,雖沒有第一集般的新鮮,但仍值得一看。BJ赤裸裸揭示著30餘歲的女性對愛情的執著,對美麗年青外表的嚮往及年華耗盡的恐懼,工作的騰折,以及與Mr. Right結婚期望。這是一套很女性化很女性化的電影;對於那些對女人不甚瞭解的遲鈍兒男人,他們看了整套戲也不知所言,對於那些怕忸怩嬌柔的'漢子',他們會覺得它很'女人戲';而就那些膚淺而側重外表的男人來說,這套戲令他們不能投入及集中精神,因為Renee Zellweger的增肥26磅造型在現代父系社會的審美角度來說一點也不漂亮,又怎能吸引到那些不常用腦而用其他地方思考的男人的眼珠呢?所以,如果你的男朋友男性朋友男同事丈夫爸爸公公爺爺不全屬以上三類,就帶他們去看此戲,讓他們在日常與異性生活時多點慧黠。

昨天上了第一堂Yoga Dance,帶給我很大的驚喜。印度人外貌的老師教我們做了很多印度舞的造手及步法,音樂輕快並充滿異國風情。一小時內我們跳了三支舞,流了很多汗,心情很舒暢。

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

There is an emptiness in my heart.

Throughout the on-job training, I figure out my deficiency. I do not even know the basic knowledge of marketing, how could I excel in market research industry? I only have vague idea of some marketing terms, therefore it will be a turmoil if I get an opportunity to work on further sophisticated tasks.

Jargons could only be applied in specific context. When I study Anthropology, I found those geographic terms are no longer applicable in this subject, a same word may even has various meaning, while I am writing a market research proposal, my brain becomes totally BLANK!! No words could describe what I am thinking.

Sometimes I have difficulties in writing. I wonder if I am really gifted in languages and writing. My writing skill will be degraded if I stopped reading, and my brain will eat up all my vocabulary if I did not use those words for a certain period of time. But, come on, writing ability is something that you develop gradually, and it is constructed by every piece of reading you learnt , instead of putting some words in your short term memory and then wiped away when new knowledge get into the brain. But now my head is spinning, mom always said what you learn will belong to you forever, how come my mind got stuck??

I do not satisfy with my English proficiency, now I even seem an illiterate of Chinese because I seldom use it. So what on earth the person will I become? A poor little thing who is wandering in the tiny crack between two languages?

Anyway, as a layman, I should grasp some marketing text books immediately and start learning.