Friday, October 22, 2010

I saw several tornadoes in my dream

Not sure if I worried about MEGI, the so-called 'the most destructive typhoon throughout Hong Kong history' typhoon, would sweep across Hong Kong violently, I dreamed several tornadoes forming and twisting around last night.  I still remember through the big window of my parent's home, I saw the funnels swirled from sky and then reached the ground, they were very narrow, destructive, yet beautiful.

Out of curiosity, I goggle-searched the symbolic meaning of tornado in dream. Then I found this:

Have you ever seen tornadoes in your dream?


自從我們「膳食部」進行改革 - 在我不用上班的日子,寶寶的午飯由我主理,寶寶比以前吃多了! 很喜歡這種親力親為的感覺!

其實我的廚藝並不精湛,又只會到超市買餸,煮飯的「年資」不超過兩年, 現在還是學習階段, 每次煮飯都食譜不離手° 我家的三位袁生對我很好, 就算煮得不太完美也照單全收!





Friday, October 08, 2010

A full time housewife

Already a week of helper-less life (again, just had one in May this year).  There will be 1 1/2 weeks coming.

It is exhausted to look after two kids and doing housework, but I feel the delicate change of the relationship with my boys.  It is a solid mother and son relationship.  They can feel mommy is truly looking after them.

They love the food I made.  Linus licked the bowl literally in today's lunch.  Now I pay more effort to look after them, I treasure them even more than before.

Last night I bake strawberry soufflés for Jeff and the kids, they kept saying yummy! I swear I cannot have such content and happiness from having a new luxury handbag! 

Frankly, helper-less life isn't that bad.

Will have jobs next week, let see how to manage the time.
Freshly baked strawberry soufflé, as per Jeff's late night order!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Natural beauty

Since my lovely friend Grace asked me to share the recipes of homemade masks I tried, I would like to post them here.  The 'serving' of the below recipes is one portion only.  Definitely, you can prepare more if your face is bigger or your hair is thicker or you are going to throw a DIY mask party with your friends.

I suggest to prepare a portion each time, since most ingredients are fresh and perishable.

I am not the one create these masks but I learn from some books, websites or 'old wisdom', I should thank to those who shared their recipes through different sources.


Avocado yogurt mask -
Ingredient: 1/4 avocado and 1tbsp of plain yogurt (don't use any fruit flavor).
Steps: 1. mash the avocado, the finer the better, 2. Blend the puree with a scoop of plain yogurt. 3. Apply on your face for 10-15 minutes.4. Rinse with water
Effect: this mask moisturizes your skin efficiently, it will also leave a natural radiance on your skin, my no. 1 DIY mask.

Egg white mask:
Ingredient: 1 egg white, 1tsp of honey, a few drops of lemon juice (optional)
Steps: It's simple, just mix everything in a bowl and put on your skin. Once your feel the tightening effect as the egg white is drying up, rinse with water.
Effect: Brighten and tighten your skin

Olive hair mask -
Ingredient: 1 egg yolk, 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp yogurt
Steps: 1. Mix everything 2. Apply on hair thoroughly especially the ends of hair. 3. Wrap your hair with a warm towel or a bath cap and leave it for 15 minute. 4. Rinse with COLD water (otherwise you can see boiled egg yolk on your hair) 5. Shampoo and conditional as usual.
Effect: Soften and brighten your hair

My last note, same as those manufactured skincare products, some people would be allergic to some ingredients even they are natural, for example, I am slightly allergic to honey.  Therefore you should be aware of any itchiness or redness on your skin appear after use.

Wish you become a natural beauty.

Monday, October 04, 2010

The Autumn caress

I feel some obvious changes in the weather after the Mid Autumn Festival.  It is cooler and dryer especially in early morning and evening time.  The temperature of today is 24c - 29c only.  The good weather lightens my mood.

Autumn breezes waltz into our cozy flat from the big windows. I sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil onto some dried flowers.  We dive into a bay of floral scent in this morning.

My little boy Linus is staying with me, he is sitting on my laps now, disturbing my typing and waiting impatiently for our 'gutta bowling ball' time.

It is a bliss!