Friday, April 23, 2004

April 19, 2004 (Mon) Sunny

Today is a lovely fair day after the heavy downpour last Saturday, the spring breeze wipes across my face. But today is not a very nice day for me. I slept late last night and then got headache this morning, the feeling is like hangover after a party, I did not go to any party but had hiking in the afternoon and back home after dinner.

Since I have quitted my job, I would not have a proper lunch if I decided not to go out. I live in the middle level of a hill, there are no convenient store nearby, and I am too lazy to grap my shoes and then walked to downhill for a bowl of noodle, therefore I used to stay at home and eat biscuits or cereal. This afternoon, I worked hard on sending job application and then I skipped my lunch. Instead, I remeber to take two capsules of green tea supplement (it is my new habit, to fight against the antioxidant, which described on its bottle). 10 minutes later, I felt sick and threw up, then I realised that I forgot to eat enough before taking the supplement.

I think I am silly and act like a twelve years old.

Last Saturday is my nephew Lok Lok's birthday, a bunch of kids were invited, thousands of birthday presents were upwrapped and all kids played crazily. The living room became a battlefield. I do love children but such scenario suffocated me. You have to be patient and energizing to be a parent!

Kids are monsters with angel faces!

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