Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's still not too late to make a list of new year resolution

Three weeks passed in 2010, but it is still a good time to make the new year resolution.

My list is as below... some items had been repeated for several years but not been achieved:

1. Do more exercise, try to stop the continuous weight-gaining.
2. Learn Chinese character typing.
3. Have body check once a year.
4. Read more books.
5. Listen to bbc radio in order to polish my English
6. Be a happier person, achieve a work-family balanced life (wakakaka, that's why I quit my job, but that sounds too aggressive because now I put 100% weight on my family... that is not a balance.
7. Learn something new, pursue my dream (therefore I applied a script-writing course).
8. Train my cooking skills (I'd love to)

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