Saturday, January 30, 2010

Passion of cooking

I did not know I love cooking until very lately.

A year ago, my cooking skill was limited to scrambled egg.

Then we moved to our new flat, the kitchen was big and nice and there was an oven.  Finally I had my own kitchen, not my mom's or my mom-in-law's or our helpers' kitchen - but MY VERY OWN KITCHEN.

I then started to cook, especially baking.  Once I started, I was addicted in it.

Since I quit my job at the beginning of this month, I bake or cook or make desserts almost twice a week.

I received praise from my family (even my father-in-law who used to be a picky person), my mom was so happy that her daughter finally could use fire to turn food edible.

I am still reading Julie & Julia.  It sounds a bit lame but it does inspire me.  Cooking is a delicious journey of self exploration, and it is also love expressing in an aromatic form.

Sometimes, recipes are my night time reading before bed.

I reminded my ex-bosses (or a suck country manager?  whatever) in the nut company mentioned that if you had passion in market research, you could do market research 24x7.  Sorry that I am not passionate enough in this profession.  I would not save a chunk of data from work and "play" regression at home and feel ecstatic when a beautiful trend line is form. I would not download market research 101 note from the web and read it until the midnight.  I have also never looked forward to get back work on Monday because I could not wait to write an insightful report to impress the client.

I think I had done some good jobs in the previous work, but they did not turn into 'excellent' because I am lack of that kind of passion I mentioned.

However, my point is, I do have the passion of cooking.  You know what, I enjoy eating much more than before, because I understand each delicious dish requires wholeheartedly dedication .

I am going to start a new category "Passion of cooking" in this blog.  I hope you will love it.

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