Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Hello!! I am a full time mom now

Okay, 2010 is arrived, a brand new year, a brand new life.

And a brand new role - I am a mother, a full time mother, no longer a night time and weekend mother.

This is my third day of being a FT mom. Everything is great, except the annoying drilling noise downstairs, someone renovate their home....

The real estate market in Hong Kong is always active.

Every second I feel blessing when I look at my two chubby little ones. Now I can sing songs when they are taking naps, read them stories, go jogging with them.

Yesterday, I baked fluffy cupcakes for them, they took them as snacks and breakfast.

My future planning...... I am figuring out my path. After all, I still want to continue my career life, may not be traditional full time way, but freelance, part-time etc.

You just don't need to walk the path that everyone does, or people ask you to, right?

And I promise myself, in my next job, I won't take it as serious as previous ones. It doesn't mean I would be lazy, but just take things easy.

Otherwise you cannot fully enjoy your life.

Wish everyone a blissful 2010.


Prudence said...

You know what, I am thinking of you when working hard in office! What are u doing? How are the babies? hahaaa...

Yes, choose your own life. Enjoy it ~~

grace said...

enjoy being a full time mom! cheer!