Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I miss my blog sphere

I haven't come to this place for quite some time, that is why you see me here. Actually nothing I wanna share, but it seems a ritual that I should jot down something in my secret diary.

How are you all friends? Life is busy for me as usual, but I could manage to leave my work at 7 pm or earlier in past 3 weeks, thanks Samantha and Ally for taking many works especially those pop out after 7. I had spent much more time with Lucas then, I feel that we develop the rapport (it is hilarous to talk about rapport between mother and kid, but it does make some sense for a working mom and her child). Everytime I look at him, he will smile back cheerfully, his smiling face always melts me down.

Lucas is growing very fast, the speed is unbelievable. I have a weird thought all the time, I always want Lucas remains as a baby forever, then he would be taken care by me. Jeff said it is a common thought for many mothers, I am not really insane.

Several reports and jobs pile up but let tomorrow me to face them.

Night night everybody.

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