Friday, May 09, 2008

A nice start

Something positive is happening.

I have resumed work since this Monday. I feel excited everyday when I get back to office. I do not think I have experienced this before, even in my previous works.

I am working in this Market Research film for four years. In the past around 1500 days, I did not particularly love my work. I just always claimed that I did not hate this job.

During the BK Era (Before Kid era), I felt extremely desperate to my job, I told Jelly I was totally burnt out and I thought about being a quitter, he did not agree because he saw my enthusiasm there, he believed I had just been deluded by the long working hours and comments from others. I do not think we were in the same page at that moment.

However, I find myself having a little bit interest in it now. When Chrisse offered her internal training about Projective Technique, I just felt, wow, qualitative research was amazing!!

I remember once Tin Tin told me, I might not be the most aggressive staff in the company as I was a mother of two, but I could enjoy the learning process. It was like in a marathon, I might not be a champion, but I chose the pace that I felt comfortable and enjoyable.

Well, it sounds so ideal but very difficult to implement it in reality, however I will try my best to achieve it. Wish I will make a record - to be a mother- of- two researcher in this company.

And... cross fingers that my enthusiasm towards market research would not be spoiled by the stress again...


Anonymous said...

various channels attached to the community makes one much happier


Anonymous said...

So happy to know that you like that presentation.
Talking about projective technique, I am thinking of applying it to our daily life, to probe for people's secret!! Gotta try it out with someone innocent later on. Have to identify the victim first!