Wednesday, February 22, 2012


星期天晚,無線正播著的遊戲節目,見到一群穿著短裙的女孩隨著音樂騷首弄姿.各人像在跳舞但完全沒有節奏,動作沒有勁,像hea著等收工,更遑論她們的動作一致與否.我真的搞不清她們是在跳舞還是在搞笑. 老實說,就算她們賣的是青春與性感,但作為一位表演者,可否認真一點?

看過十秒後我立刻轉到Discovery Channel,我不想讓孩子們看那節目,並不是因為它賣弄色情(有觀眾向廣管局投訴),而是它賣弄色情得來製作非常粗糙又反智. 我不是一個保守的人,但我想培養孩子成為有品味的觀眾.


Monday, February 20, 2012





在Discovery Lifestyle and Living的烹飪節目,見到那些星級廚師,(尤其是法國藍帶那些,不是做份子料理那些),對食物有一種不能言喻的熱情。他們抱起一盆紅紅紫紫的雜莓會傻笑起來。當他們將食材處理,混合,烹調時,像在畫一幅色彩繽紛的油畫。就是這種passion,令他們成為一個出色的廚師。






我躲到男友家。看著電視,眼淚不自覺流下來。電視傳來《God Save The Queen》的壯麗音樂。英國國旗及香港殖民地旗幟在風雨飄搖中徐徐下降。一個多麼煽情的畫面!

這是我人生第一次如此反對父母。與其說是為了戀愛而離家出走,不如說是為了爭取戀愛的自由。他們認為沒有人比他們更愛自己的女兒,老是擔心女兒被男孩子傷害,變得無心向學。我沒有跟他們說,其實這些我老早經歷過,也熬過了。It was not a big deal at all!


電視中,洪亮的《義勇軍進行曲》奏起來,紅色的五星旗和香港特區區旗爬昇著。我們這一代,成長於彌漫著末世風情的年代:1984年中英聯合聲明,信心危機,移民潮,太空人,歌照跑,舞照跳,繁榮與安定,五十年不變,還有……笑聲救地球,還有……那用血寫在中國近代史上的六四事件。從兒時起,這些詞彙陪著我們成長,不斷衝擊我們的思想。終於到了政權移交的一刻,我感到的只是惆悵與茫然。我們這一代的大學生,遠不及火紅年代的那些天子門生,總是被批評為政治冷感,只顧享樂。 就像我,在這重要時刻,我為香港做到甚麼?我又能為香港做些甚麼?



第二天六時醒來,還感到臉上的淚痕的崩緊,天還下著昨晚那場雨。我很擔心爸媽,便跟男友說回家。六時三十分,他陪我到樓下,截了的士。男友看起來也很擔心,關上車門前,我應承他去爭取父母接納我們。車三十分鐘後到埗。雖然有傘子,但我跑回家那幾步路,還是濕透。 回到家,兩位怒火中燒的老人家果然已起床,在客廳等著我大興問罪。我見到他們完全沒有精神疲憊的跡象,心安定一些。至少,他們沒有傷心得崩潰。我穿越那此起彼落的雙聲道責駡,跑到房,關上門,倒頭大睡去。

之後劇情有點兒土。我當天淋雨後得了感冒,媽媽邊駡邊照顧我。病好後,我採取主動言和,雙方成功返回談判桌。兩代人重新對話時,電視重播著彭定康一家及查理斯王子踏上The Royal Yacht Britannia, 與香港人道別的一刻。彭定康看來很傷感,他那三位俏麗千金更哭成淚人。

爸跟我解釋他們的擔憂,我向他解釋我的堅持。最後雙方達成協議,我保証不會荒廢學業,兩年後如期畢業。(老實說, 讀文學院的,三年內畢不到業比畢到業難得多), 他應承不再干涉我拍拖。是次對話史無前例的成功。一星期後,爸替我出了人生第一部手提電話,好讓我夜歸前跟他們交帶一聲。我跟朋友笑說老爸這招真高,現正可以查著我行踪了!當然,我心裏很甜,也知道是父母是信任我的。





Monday, February 13, 2012

Bad mood

I am in a total bad mood today.

I couldn't sleep last night.  I had my first 'living-room-sleep over' from 4am to 6am.

And then I feel like I am a walking death.

Thanks to the lack of rest, I am annoyed easily today.

I used to hate the vacuum cleaner in my home.  It is extremely noisy (with its selling point was 'silent', stated on the packaging.).  Today, I want to smash it.

Ah!!!  Hopefully I can have a good sleep tonight, I NEED TO WORK TOMORROW, YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Mars and Venus

I read a book called 'Baby on the way' to my two boys.

Don't get me wrong, I have NO baby on the way.  I just thought this book was fun.

The story is about a typical family with two children, an expected mommy and a daddy.  Mommy's belly was growing day by day also the love around them.  One day, mommy's tummy got as hard as a ball caused by contraction, dad sent mom to hospital.  At last, an angelic baby came out, the whole family was busy yet joyful.

I gave them a brief explanation about the laboring and delivery of a baby.  I told them the tremendous pain that I had experienced during the process.

'That's why, you should respect women, for the role they play in the mankind.'  I said.

The boys nodded, I'm sure they know what I mean.

When I was a teenage, I was a believer of feminism.  I dreamed I would be a career woman one day (and if anyone from the opposite gender who tried to hinder my career path as I was a woman, I would have inserted my high heels into his eye sockets), marriage and kid free, and burning bras (if it was really necessary to make a dramatic effect).  Of course, all these were just my silly imaginations.  Bras, in fact, are expensive! 

When I reached twenties, I started being skeptical to feminism, I doubt the idea of 'women don't need men', women need men as men need women, we are all living together in a group, socially and biologically.  Women can be as smart as men without sacrificing their femininity, men can also be gentle at the same time embracing their masculinity.  Since then, I looked for gender equality, I looked for mutual respect between men and women.

Being a mother, I have an obligation to educate my kids about this.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

I wanna burn all ipads in my vicinity!!

I know ipads are fascinating, but I just hate to see kids who deal with the daily life nonchalantly but sticking their noses to the an illuminating screen.

This is what my son is doing, but I have no ability to stop it, not because I am sheepish, but I am not the 'in-charge' person in this house at this moment.


Friday, February 03, 2012

Worker Bee

Haven't post blogs related to working for a long time .  When I reviewed the entries I labelled as 'working bee' (or should it be worker bee? Whatever), there were non stop babbling and grumbling.  I wonder if I was 'Little Miss Grumpy' at that time.

Alright, starting the Year of the Dragon, I have received several job requests this week.  This should be a good sign.  I do enjoy this full-time mom-and-freelancer-marketing/ research-professional mode so much. If possible, I don't want to work in a full time job anymore even my kids grown up.  Once you experience the flexibility to work independently, you just don't want to go back, to beg for the appreciations from the bosses, who thinks they pay you is an act of charity.

Cross my fingers.