Friday, September 08, 2006

Beautiful vs. Pretty

What is the difference between these two words? These are my definitions:
Pretty - sweet, good looking, cute, young
Beautiful - stunning, gorgeous, irresistable, elegant, charming, brilliant, chrismatic

I always feel 'pretty' is an adjective for 'girl' only, while 'beautiful' always come with 'woman'. There are many pretty girls in the world, but much less beautiful women, it is because 'Beauty' is not only about the outlook, but also the sustance inside.

For example, if Nicole Kidman is beautiful, Jessica Simpson is pretty.
If Maggie Cheung is beautiful, myself is pretty. Hahahahah, just kidding, but I mean it, hahahaha!!!

You can give me some examples, it should be interesting!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am beautiful and Erica is pretty...... wakakakakakaka, a very very misleading example